NCSC-Certified Cyber Incident Planning and Response & NCSC-Certified Building and Optimising Incident Response Playbooks Training Courses

The only NCSC-Certified Cyber Incident Response Course with an optional APMG Examination

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UK-NCSC Certified Cyber Incident Planning and Response as well as the NCSC-Certified Cyber Incident Planning and Response course are comprehensive guides for enabling organisations and individuals to prepare a well-defined and managed approach to dealing with a data breach or a cyberattack.

Benefits of choosing the E-Learning Option

Benefits of choosing the E-Learning Option

Full access to all content (downloadable PDFs) for 90 calendar days instead of 60 days.

You can complete both the courses as and when it’s possible, around your working hours or during.

Optional NCSC-Certified Training Examination Voucher - get certified in Cyber Incident Response

If you would prefer to attend a virtual class AND have the E-Learning included, you can select that option here once you have selected a date.

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Highlights of the E-Learning Cyber Incident Planning and Response and Building and Optimising Incident Response Playbooks Courses

Both courses are Certified by the UK-Government's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC).

Accredited by the Chartered Institute of Information Security (CIISec).

CIPR includes 19 modules with over 20 interactive exercises on all aspects of planning and response.

Bonus content (worksheets, templates, how-tos, mind-maps) Content updated regularly

170 page, comprehensive supporting PDF book.

Optional Exam: Take the APMG Examination of the NCSC-Certified Training*

* Please note you must complete the course and obtain a certificate of completion before sitting for the exam

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